Add value to posters

Electronic poster exhibition

With psPoster we provide web-based applications to upload, present and archive electronic posters.

This solution is suitable for onsite poster presentation and poster viewing, as well as for the integration with virtual conference platforms or online deployment.

E-poster gallery

Access e-posters in various ways:

By poster session: optimized access to e-posters that are presented in moderated poster sessions

By topic: even multi-layer categories can be handled efficiently

By author: search e-posters by key presenters


Easy-to-use e-poster uploads

Poster presenters receive an individual and personalized invitation to upload their poster using a simple 3-step process. The layout format and file size of uploaded documents can be controlled and restricted during the upload process to make sure that the poster format follows the guidelines defined by the organiser.

The upload system automatically converts PDF and PowerPoint poster files for online viewing and creates a full text index of the complete poster content, making every text detail available for searches.

Our co-operation with Posterwalk

In cooperation with ESTENSIS / Posterwalk, we provide a high-value scientific and full service ePoster platform for conferences, featuring our online ePoster submission and management tool, combined with Posterwalk’s onsite help-desk and legendary ePoster discussion stations (“Posterwalk Stations“), made of stainless-steel.

Our ePoster system’s dimensions and user interface is optimized for Posterwalk’s Microsoft Surface systems and makes sure your e-poster is well integrated into the advanced hardware stations.

Posters everywhere...

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